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We all have bucket lists,  we dream of things we want to do or people we want to see before we die. My advice to all is "jump"  What are you going to do at this very moment? When you think about it, all we really have is

"this moment" and it will never come again.

 This journey started a an idea, By putting a date on it, it became a reality - a time to strive for. I told everyone I knew I was getting rid of most of my things and jumping on a plane and getting off in a country I had never been to. That was Cusco, Peru two years ago. Since then, I have been exploring different cultures, meeting people from all walks of life and making new friends throughout the world.



Home is not a place. It's a feeling. When you stay in a place long enough, it become home. I know this and have done it many times. The world is beautiful place and when you get to meet people of different cultures and nationalities, you you will know that our similarities far outweigh the differences and our world truly is a wonderful place. I urge everyone to get out there and experience the beauty and diversity of humanity.


I will be traveling the globe for an undetermined amount of time.  Here's how I work...

I decide to visit a country and stay there usually for at least 3 months to a year experiencing the culture and exploring ancient, strange and unknown megalithic sites to show you the beauty of our planet.

Follow me, ask questions, suggest any unknown ancient sites and if I am in your part of the world, let me know and hopefully we could meet. In the places I visit, I usually don't know anyone or speak the language.   As a creative individual, I’ve always loved having the opportunity to share my ideas, opinions and talents with others around me. My videos have provided such a wonderful outlet to do exactly that.

I believe in staying true to my brand, my followers and myself. Creating unique and interesting content is my main priority, and I invite you to take a dive into my world. Keep exploring to view my videos, check out recent news and so much more. If you’d like to chat, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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Al Magdaleno Earth Explorer

  • 10 year military war veteran Middle East 4 years


      a humanitarian organization delivering disaster aid to people in world catastrophes such as...

  • Hurricane Harvey

  • Hurricane Irma

  • Hurricane Maria

  • Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

  • Hurricane Florence

  • Hurricane Michael and many more

  • Earth Explorer - Started May 2022

Yukpa Tribe Sees A Camera For The First Time.jpg

The YUKPA tribe in the Venezualan Amazon fascinated by the camera.

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